Cat behaviour problems are a direct result of how you treat them, what you feed them and how you treat their health problems. Many people are blithely unaware of the impact their actions have on their cat, blaming the cat when they react unfavourably.
First, consider what it would be like to be living in captivity, with a larger species of animal who is dominant. These captives of yours feed you and mean well, but you can’t communicate with them in your normal way.
This alone would be frustrating enough, but in addition, your captives don’t understand how you are, who you are and what makes you happy. Instead, they make all their decisions about you, based on what makes them happy, or what they feel they should do.
You have tried to show them what you like and don’t like, but they just don’t appear to get it. In desperation, you resort to more and more aggressive tactics. But still, no-one is listening. Instead you get punished for this bad behaviour.
Now let’s consider three important areas that can impact strongly on your cat.
1. If cats are teased or treated without consideration, such as an unsupervised child may, then they will protect themselves by trying to tell the child it is not appropriate behaviour. They may swipe, lash out, bite or run away. In any event, they will be frightened.
The reaction is likely to escalate in intensity the less they are respected. They normally give plenty of warning signs to back off. Rarely will cats exhibit extreme aggression unless the lesser warnings have not been heeded. This alone can account for much of the common cat behaviour problems.
2. Most cats are fed commercial cat food. People have been told that it is ‘nutritious’ and ‘scientifically balanced’ which are great advertising slogans, but don’t paint the real picture. Instead, most is abundant in poor nutritional ingredients and toxic ingredients. Cats are particularly sensitive to toxins.
Toxins are released by the body in several areas – the liver, the colon, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin. The liver takes much of the brunt. An overloaded liver makes for increased irritability, anger and aggression.
3. Even before a cat becomes ill, they are often subjected to veterinary medicines and procedures, such as an anaesthetic, antibiotics and analgaesics on sterilisation, plus vaccinations, often at the same time.
All veterinary medications carry toxins, overloading a previously healthy cat, making the job of their liver especially much harder. More irritability, anger or outright aggression can result.
Some years ago, someone approached me about her aggressive cat. We examined all possible causes for this behaviour, but failed to see any unique trigger points. However, the cat was fed commercial cat food.
When the diet of the cat was changed to a quality, natural one, the aggression rapidly disappeared, never to reappear.
Don’t blame or punish your cat. Cat behaviour problems are more than likely down to something you are doing. Re-examine your beliefs and prejudices and try to see your cat through her eyes.
6 replies to "Cat Behaviour Problems"
Is there a list of good quality foods that I can feed my cat? He is resistant to the abrupt change to “all natural” raw meat and other diets but I have never seen anyone give a list of good foods that I can buy for him. He has had too many attacks on his health, both intentional & unintentional and I want to help him get over the things done to him! He has been particularly sensitive to chemicals and to the stuff they used to knock him out to neuter him.
My ebook lists all the best foods. I suggest you don’t force the change on him abruptly. Do it slowly over a period of time. It’s easier on you both.
Can I get a link to the e-book, please? Thanks again for the info!
Here is the link.
I have mother & daughter cats. For the first 1.5 yrs they were fine, but the last year+ I am stressed almost to my limit as the younger cat has taken to peeing on all my furniture, and she does it constantly. I took her to the vet to confirm she did not have a UTI…she was there 5 days. When I brought her home, the mother cat will now have nothing to do with her. The younger cat spends most of her time under the bed, will not come to me, and it is very frustrating. At night she will occassionally come downstairs when I am watching tv and want to be petted. It has to be when she wants attention; but she has still ruined all my furniture and I cannot replace it while I have this cat. She is a beautiful, black & white short hair. I have tried different foods, litters, etc. My cats appear to be satisfied with what we have settled on. A cat is difficult to show affection to when she won’t even come near you. I need to find a home for her but it is difficult to do when she won’t even come out when anyone is in the house! Any suggestions? I pray you have some. Thank you. I realize this is not completely in regard to your article, but I’m asking anyone who might have some advice. F/Y/I, the mother cat is very jealous of the younger one since she came home from the vet.
A cat will pee around the house when they are trying to tell you something is wrong. It may not be a health problem of their own. It may be a problem you have and are not addressing.
From what you say, they are certainly not happy cats, for one reason or another.
Three important areas that immediately come up for me are diet, living conditions and natural health.
Although you don’t mention diet, I suspect they are on a commercial cat food. These are, for the most part, low in nutrition and high in toxicity. This results in a cat out of natural balance – irritable, frightened, etc.
Cats need to get outside for at least some of the time. Exclusively inside cats have poorer health and shorter lives than cats who have outside access. This is something for you to work on depending on how safe it is for them.
All veterinary drugs are toxic and lower the immune system. A cat already struggling to maintain health, as yours are clearly exhibiting, will be further depressed. Homeopathic treatment is not only more effective than veterinary treatment, it can cure the cause, whatever that might be.
You may be able to find someone local to you who can help, from this list.