Consulting A Homeopath For Your Cat – Four Mistakes People Make

By Madeleine Innocent

Consulting a homeopath for your cat can be one of the most helpful things you can do to prevent continuing progression or to reverse and heal your cats’s health issue.

However, there are a few mistakes people make when they’re new to homeopathy. These mistakes prevent them getting the best from the experience.

In a way, it’s understandable, because the medical model has invaded everyone’s consciousness. But you can’t compare apples with pears, as the saying goes. It’s important to appreciate the differences, what your role is and what to expect. 

A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous!

Once a homeopathic remedy has been prescribed, people go looking online for what this remedy does. Often, they’ll come back to the homeopath saying they don’t see how that remedy will help their cat as the conditions aren’t listed.

This is where a little knowledge can be dangerous! The years of training a homeopath goes through includes deep understanding of the remedies.

Unlike medicine, which tends to lump everyone with the same label of disease into the same treatment, homeopaths individualise the patient. This includes their past ailments, their treatments to date, their lifestyle, their diet, their personality, natural preferences, current symptoms and much more.

Consulting a homeopath for your cat, one who spent years in their training, does mean they inherently know more than you do.

Rather than doubt the remedy choice, your job is to be very observant of your cat, to be objective and not to interpret what you think your cat’s behaviour means. It is only with accurate and ‘clean’ (ie without judgement) reporting that a homeopath can do a good job. This is much more helpful for a good outcome.

One Consultation Is Not Enough

Appreciate that chronic conditions take time to resolve and that the homeopath needs to see the effects of the prescription. This means that regular consultations are not only necessary, but are vital for a good outcome. It is not possible to examine what’s really going on without this regular, deep look into what’s going on.

vegan cats

When a homeopath advises regular consultations, it’s for a good reason. Good, steady progress is what everyone wants, but sometimes this is not immediate or obvious to an untrained eye.

People often give up at this point, when in fact some good basic healing has been established.

Follow Instructions! 

People often adjust the dose without checking with the homeopath that this is advisable. The feeling is that if a little helps somewhat, more will do a better job

This is a dangerous idea! As an analogy, drinking 2 litres (about 4 pints) of water a day will keep most people well hydrated, yet by doubling that amount you can cause a loss of vital minerals and become sick.

Whilst homeopathy is very safe, it remains important to appreciate that everything, even those substances as safe as water, can be overdone or underdone. Whilst you are the observer of your cat’s behaviour, you need to work closely with your homeopath, who has the knowledge and experience of healing.

Change May Be Necessary

The first choice of the remedy may not be the only choice. Sometimes, a homeopath will see an obvious need for a particular remedy that will clear the way for a deeper acting treatment.

So thinking that you can keep giving your cat a remedy that has been prescribed, is faulty.

Consulting a homeopath for your cat is time well spent. The treatment can be life changing. It can also last the life of your cat, with no further incidents of ill health. But you need to stay the distance.

The roles of the homeopath and the patient’s human are very different. The best results come from each doing their own role to the best of their ability.

Deep healing takes time. In this crazy, fast paced world we find ourselves in, this concept is often rapidly discarded in preference to a quick fix. But quick fixes are not deep healing.


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