Diabetes in cats was a rarity, not that long ago. Now it’s common. In this article, we explore why this has happened and what you can do about it.
Diabetes in cats was a rarity, not that long ago. Now it’s common. In this article, we explore why this has happened and what you can do about it.
When you talk to retired veterinarians about cats and diabetes, they will tell you that it was a rare occurrence. It’s not that they didn’t recognise the symptoms, or that there was little they could do about it. They will tell you that it just wasn’t a problem.
Let’s look at what has happened to the management of cat health in the intervening time period.
One obvious newbie on the scene is commercial cat food, especially the dried form. Dry food in itself is an unnatural food for any animal, but for a cat it poses an enormous problem.
Wild cats live in a variety of climates. They do very well in semi deserts, as well as in Siberia. In both climates, they rely heavily on their liquid intact from their prey. Naturally, cats drink little.
When cats are fed dried food, they often become chronically dehydrated, whether or not they have access to water, whether or not they drink regularly. They simply did not evolve this way.
All commercial cat foods have serious defects in their ability to provide nutrition to your cat. The companies that made the food are far more interested in making a profit than they are in the health of your cat. For some strange reason, people feel animals don’t matter. And there is nothing more obvious than in the quality of their food, that reflects this thought.
Another newbie on the scene is the huge increase in the number of veterinarians that have appeared in the last few decades. With this burgeoning industry comes the opportunity to sell more medications, which the drug companies have been only too delighted to fill.
The sad fact is that veterinarians are trained to match a particular medication to a particular health problem, just as are doctors. They are not trained to look for the cause of a problem. Neither do they get any training in nutrition.
Yet nutrition is one of the main keys to a healthy body. The very first thing you should be considering, when treating diabetes in cats, is their diet. Frequently, this is the cause and a change to a quality, natural diet, in keeping with their evolutionary diet, can heal the condition.
However, it may return, if the new diet is not maintained.
If the cause of the condition is diet, no amount of medication will heal the problem. This is why insulin is needed for the rest of their lives.
Medication doesn’t heal a problem, although it can palliate one. But it comes with serious side effects, not least of all are liver toxicity and immunity suppression.
Diabetes in cats is best approached in a totally different way from the common way. First change the diet. If that doesn’t heal the problem completely (although it will almost invariably improve it considerably), then use an holistic form of medicine that doesn’t have side effects. Probably the most effective holistic medicine is homeopathy.
To discover what the best diet is for cats with diabetes, click on Naturally Healthy Cats.
1 Response to "Diabetes in Cats"
Thank you for your always informative articles, Madeleine. This post has special significance for me, as my cat, Scratchy, is a diabetic cat in remission. She was diagnosed 6 years ago, and her health quickly went downhill when we began traditional veterinary treatment (i.e. twice a day “blind” dosing of insulin, dry diabetic food) As I watched her health decline, I began searching on the internet for information, which is when I discovered the evils of dry food. I also found a vet’s website – Dr. Elizabeth Hodgkins – that advocated a “Tight Regulation” insulin protocol aimed at achieving regulation and even remission (she says in her practice, she achieved around 85% remission). Five weeks after starting this protocol, which includes testing blood sugar and dosing on a sliding scale based on blood glucose levels, Scratchy had her last shot of insulin. It has now been 5 ½ years since that last shot, and she has enjoyed completely normal blood sugars. She is fed a raw diet, and is a very healthy 18 years old.
I and a few other members with diabetic cats started a website and forum to teach and support the Tight Regulation protocol. We advocate (as a requirement of the TR protocol) a low carbohydrate wet diet (balanced raw if possible). We educate members on all aspects of feline diabetes and it’s treatments, provide dosing advice and ample moral support. Our website is http://www.diabeticcathelp.com and our forum is http://www.diabeticcathelp.com/forum We aim to help as many diabetic kitties as possible and welcome anyone with a diabetic cat to visit our site so you can have a chance to help your diabetic cats become regulated and possibly even go into remission.