keep your cats teeth healthy

How To Keep Your Cats Teeth Healthy

Discovering how to keep your cats teeth healthy is not rocket science. Certainly it may challenge your beliefs. However, if you’re open minded, you’ll quickly see the logic. Then it’s a question of sitting with that knowledge, until you’re comfortable putting it into action.Just don’t take too

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restoring the health of cats with cancer

Restoring The Health of Cats With Cancer

Restoring the health of cats with cancer is not only possible, it's not that difficult. Cats with cancer, as with anyone, is very often the last effort of an exhausted body trying to heal itself against all odds. It’s an accumulation of bad, and then very bad, practices, none of which support the body or even respect the body’s natural wisdom.

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the holistic cat

The Holistic Cat – Three Areas of Influence

The holistic cat, not unlike a wild cat, is a picture of health. All things considered, they live longer, have good energy, are alert and interested in life, don’t suffer with illnesses, have no behavioural issues, don’t suffer with fleas or an overpopulation of worms.They are a joy to live with and cost very little to maintain.

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cats refuse raw food

Three Reasons Cats Refuse Raw Food

There are several good reasons cats refuse raw food. The common ones are delved into here.With growing awareness, people are now appreciating the advantages of feeding their cat a diet their ancestors evolved on. However, it can be frustrating when their cat categorically refuses the food.

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