Eliminating Parasites in Cats

By Madeleine Innocent

Eliminating parasites in cats is very easily when you understand how health works and their role. By parasites, I'm referring to the fleas and worms that are so common and that are treated so harshly by vets.

We’re a complicated species. On the one hand we appear to love making simple things really complex. On the other hand, we are easily swayed into believing that Nature has things so wrong, and we are the only ones who can solve the problems

So first, I’d like you to appreciate that most things in life are easy and simple as long as you understand what’s going on. The complexities arise from a lack of knowledge and understanding.

Secondly, I’d like to assure you that Nature hasn’t got anything wrong. But our understanding of Nature may be a tad skewed at times, to put it mildly.

Eliminating Fleas Naturally

Fleas are toxic scavengers. They do a wonderful job. Who else wants to run around gathering up toxins and re-cycling them into something safe?

Don’t knock them.

The question is, why is your cat toxic?

Commercial cat food is not just full of species inappropriate food such as plant based protein. It also contains a plethora of synthetic colours, flavours, ‘health supplements’, preservatives (despite any assurances to the contrary) and more.

No synthetic anything can be utilised by the body. No living being evolved to absorb synthetic anything. Therefore, it all goes into the ‘toxic’ soup category. The body struggles with that. What it can do, at least to some extent, is to eliminate some of the toxins through the normal elimination pathways, one of which is the skin. The skin is a major organ of the body, but of simple, though vital, use.

It isn’t as complicated as other organs (such as the heart, the liver...) of the body so can tolerate this elimination without coming to any lasting harm.

So the toxic elimination through the skin is what attracts the fleas. Don’t blame the fleas. Blame the food you’re feeding your cat. And the toxic veterinary drugs you administer.

It’s what humans are good at – blaming the messenger, without understanding the message.

By changing your cats diet to one similar to their evolutionary diet, the toxin elimination is likely to ramp up a notch or two in the conversion stage as they have one mighty de-tox, then settle back to little to none.

There's nothing to attract the fleas anymore. Eliminating parasites in cats is that easy. No toxic treatments.

eliminating parasites in cats

What About The Intestinal Worms?

Most people are now beginning to understand that our digestive system (including that of all species) contains a large amount of living organisms that come under the heading of a microbiome. Bacteria, fungi, worms to name but a few.

Their natural balance keeps the digestive process healthy.

Upsetting that balance causes no end of digestive problems. The common causes of this upset are veterinary drugs and commercial cat food.

Leaving the veterinary drugs aside, let's look at the diet.

Cats who consume a diet similar to the one they evolved on (ie balanced, good quality, very fresh, raw meat and bones) digest it quickly. Raw meat digests very fast in a carnivores digestive tract.

This fast digestion of natural food means the bacteria, fungi, worms, etc only breed at their normal rate, keeping everything in balance.

When a carnivore consumes cooked meat or plant based food, the digestion slows right down. Because it isn't natural food for them, the digestive process takes much longer.

This allows the worms, etc to breed much faster, totally out of proportion to what is natural..

Don’t blame the worms. They are just opportunists. Blame the food you’re feeding your cat.

Don’t blame the messenger. Read the message.

Let Nature Do The Work

Eliminating parasites in cats is all about understanding WHY your cat has them.

Feeding a healthy, NATURAL diet has so many advantages. They include:

  • easy, quick digestion, preventing worms, etc breeding out of natural balance
  • no toxins to eliminate that attracts fleas
  • improves the immune system so they are vitally healthy
  • can be much more economical to prepare especially if you do it yourself
  • fussy eating becomes history

Forget about insurance. The diet offers you better coverage.


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