Finding Raw Cat Food in Times of Food Shortages

By Madeleine Innocent

Finding raw cat food in times of food shortages may make you search further afield than normal. The bare shelves in shops, the panic buying, the stock piling makes it all more difficult for reasonable people to make their normal purchases.

Those who have converted their cats (and dogs, although they can exist on plant based foods for short periods) to raw food don’t want to go back to the bad old ways and then have to go through the conversion stage again. They have seen the huge improvements in health the raw food provides. 

What To Do?

Most people have a week or so of food in their freezers.

Here are my suggestions, in a rough order of priority. I welcome others.

If you are feeding pet grade meat, buy human grade meat.

  • If you feed organic, get non-organic.
  • Buy different meats to your usual, as long as it’s raw.
  • Shop early in the morning.
  • Search your local farms to see if you can purchase direct from them.
  • See if there are any frozen deliveries directly from farms.
  • If you are making your own, then search for raw food brands. Just check the ingredients and avoid those with fruit and/or veggies and supplements.
  • If the raw market dries up, then get dehydrated raw. Just make sure it is well hydrated before feeding.
  • The occasional whole egg beaten with the same amount of water is a perfectly acceptable food for most cats (unless they have liver issues, indicated by an intolerance to fatty food).
  • The best of a bad lot, in my opinion, of the commercial cat food, is whole fish in spring water. You can get that in the human food section, too. Be scrupulous about checking the ingredients.
finding raw cat food

Power Outages

Power outages are normally short lived. Top up your freezers with packs of ice (normally available), if they do last long enough to start thawing the food.

Unless you have a sick cat (or even then), a fasting day here and there is healthy, natural and normal. Good for us, too! 

Can You Feed Dry Kibble?


I refer to this unhealthy food as 'slow poison'. It's destructive and addictive.

You may already have had a struggle to get your cat eating raw food. You don't want to go through that again! 

Can You Feed Synthetic Meat?

With the invention of synthetic meat, some people are starting to feed their cat this product.

Please don't!

Synthetic meat has at least three problems that I can see:

  • it's highly processed (VERY unhealthy)
  • some is plant-based (dangerous for cats)
  • some is made from insects and while cats love to eat insects as snacks, they need quality animal protein to thrive

Don't Panic

The shortages in the shops are unlikely to last long.

The results of finding raw cat food in times of food shortages can lead you on a path that yields much better results in the long run, not just for your cat. There is always a silver lining in every cloud. 


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