How Holistic Health Works

how holistic health works

Many people appreciate the effects of the right diet for health.

Most people understand that living conditions have an impact on health.

A few people have heard of homeopathy, but don’t really know what it is or how it can help you or your cat.

This article aims at explaining what these subjects are and how they can help your cat.

What is Health?

Every single life, your cat included, has the potential to ward off sickness and disease and to heal when sickness prevails. The key to this remarkable and inbuilt ability is the immune system. When the immune system is healthy, this is exactly what happens. Sickness and disease only ever happens when the immune system is not capable of doing its job.

There are a variety of ways the immune system can be damaged, so that it can’t function properly. I consider there are three main areas:

1 - Diet
2 - Living conditions - environmental factors, stress, etc.
3 - Health care

The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have seen a monopoly in the health care system, for both animals and for people. This monopoly, of what I call chemical medicine, is what many consider mainstream. Without going into the details of why this monopoly has occurred, let’s examine what it does.

Every single life, your cat included, has the potential to ward off sickness and disease and to heal when sickness prevails. The key to this remarkable and inbuilt ability is the immune system. When the immune system is healthy, this is exactly what happens. Sickness and disease only ever happens when the immune system is not capable of doing its job.

There are a variety of ways the immune system can be damaged, so that it can’t function properly. I consider there are three main areas:

1 - Diet
2 - Living conditions - environmental factors, stress, etc.
3 - Health care

The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have seen a monopoly in the health care system, for both animals and for people. This monopoly, of what I call chemical medicine, is what many consider mainstream. Without going into the details of why this monopoly has occurred, let’s examine what it does.

Veterinary (chemical) Medicine Doesn’t Understand Natural Health

Veterinarians are not taught about cause and effect. They are not taught about healthy diets. They are taught how to diagnose a disease and then to match a chemical drug to that label. A drug with no life.

So medicines are made to suppress the symptoms. When you suppress a natural expression, you also suppress the immune system. Repeated suppressions damage the natural order of the immune system. And so it fails to work as it should.

While suppression appears to work because the symptoms go away, at least temporarily, you have made the overall health of the patient worse. In the short run, things appear to be better, but in the long run, overall health deteriorates.

All medicines, including vaccines, are chemical. All are toxic. All suppress the immune system by subjugating the natural expression of the body. Many are poisonous and cause damage, especially to sensitive animals. Many medicines cause neurological damage, or damage to the nervous system, including the brain. Cats are very sensitive animals.

The chemical medical system has no philosophy. This means it is not scientific in the true sense of the word. Fads come and go. Yesterday it was the germ theory. Today, it's the gene theory. Tomorrow …?

holistic health
chemical medicine

This Mainstream Medical System Has Created A Highly Lucrative Income For The Pharmaceutical Industry

One which they are reluctant to lose. Natural therapies, including homeopathy, pose a very real threat to this income. Why? Because homeopathy does not suppress the immune system. Homeopathy works with the immune system, supporting it, strengthening it, re-balancing it. This means the overall health of the patient improves.

When the overall health of a patient improves, they become healthy. They no longer get sick or have a disease. Although this is the very worthy aim of most people, for themselves and for their dog, it makes no financial sense!

You don’t make money from healthy animals!

The veterinary (and medical) industry would go broke, or at least suffer a huge reduction, if this was in widespread use!

This is why homeopathy is not as widely used as it should be. Don’t let that deter you from using it yourself.

Many people appreciate the effects of the right diet for health.

Most people understand that living conditions have an impact on health.

A few people have heard of homeopathy, but don’t really know what it is or how it can help you or your cat.

This article aims at explaining what these subjects are and how they can help your cat.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complete system of natural medicine. It has a strong philosophy which is based on natural laws. Its current form was established by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, over 200 years ago. But there is reference to its origins dating back to 500 BC. So, in reality, it is timeless.

The system of homeopathy is based on the firm foundation of natural laws. The personality, or at least individual symptoms, of your cat needs to match that of a medicine which has the same traits or symptoms.

This is called the ‘law of similars’. Like cures like.

This carefully selected medicine restores order and balance to your cat’s immune system. This then enables the cat to heal themselves. The problem goes away, not because of suppression, but because it can no longer remain.

This deep healing comes from what is often referred to as ‘constitutional’ prescribing. It is the aim of all good professional homeopaths and is not within the scope of the layman. Years of training, and experience, are needed to get to this point.

However, sometimes homeopathy can also be used therapeutically. This means that it is possible, to a limited degree, to use certain homeopathic medicines to heal certain conditions.

Homeopaths don’t diagnose conditions and disease. Instead we collect the significant, and very individual, symptoms of the patient before making a prescription.

For example, most people have heard of Arnica, if only the cream. Those who have heard of it know it can help with bruises. But it has a far deeper action than just helping with bruises. Any, and almost every, injury can benefit from the use of the homeopathic remedy Arnica, which is taken orally.

So the selection of the medicine, or remedy, can be much easier. But it doesn't end there....

Homeopathy Can Help Your Cat Achieve Vibrant Health

Even when the veterinary prognosis is poor, homeopathy can turn anyone's health around. However, you need a professional homeopath you feel comfortable with, because they can be a life line. You ever know what might happen and having a friendly homeopath to turn to in a time of crisis is invaluable.

When you are more familiar with what it can do for you, then you can learn how to use some of the common medicines in acute diseases. This is so useful when you are facing a problem at 2am or on holiday miles from anywhere.

If you are inspired to take this idea further, you may be indebted to your cat, for bringing you this far!

Please don’t feel you need to visit a homeopath in person to get the desired results. Most of us work by phone or via the internet as well as in person. Distant prescribing can work very well.

holistic health

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