Prevent Bladder Stones In Cats

By Madeleine Innocent

To prevent bladder stones in cats, first you need to understand the cause.

Struvite crystals are the most common form of mineral crystals that form in a cats urinary tract. Around half of all urinary stones in cats are struvite crystals.

Another common stone is calcium oxalate stones.

Common Symptoms

You may be alerted to this problem when you see your cat:

  • straining to urinate
  • urinating outside the litter box
  • urinating small amounts frequently
  • not being able to urinate
  • crying when attempting to urinate
  • has an increased thirst
  • has cloudy or bloody urine (can only see this if they urinate on a pale coloured surface or litter)

They can also lack energy.

This is a serious issue and will need help quickly.

Common Veterinary Treatment

Depending on how advanced the problem is, the veterinary solution will almost always be antibiotics and a ‘speciality’ diet, for the mild versions.

It is likely that neither will help the problem, because the cause was not addressed. It's more likely that both will do more harm.

For advanced states, bladder stones may need surgery to remove them.

The struvite crystals are normally treated with drugs to help dissolve them.

Prevent Bladder Stones in Cats by Understanding the Cause

Struvite crystals in cats are formed when the urine pH is too high, ie too alkaline. Healthy cats have low pH urine, ie acidic.

So how do cats get urine that is too alkaline?

By eating a diet that is high in plant based food – kibble, commercial cat food.

All carnivores, ie the natural meat eaters, are highly acidic. This is natural and healthy for them.

prevent bladder stones in cats

Commercial cat food is high in plant based proteins which make cats alkaline. This is bad news for them. It's a slippery slope as health declines.

Bladder stones in cats are caused by high calcium. This is very often caused by the high levels of vitamin D found in commercial cat food which leads to calcium being leached from the bones.

It can also be caused by the synthetic calcium added to the food, which is indigestible. 

Natural Diets Promote Good All Round Health

Diet is king! Everyone, including cats, fare far better on their natural diet, the diet of their ancestors. This is raw meat and bones for cats. This is in perfect balance. in the prey they consume. 

Meat needs bones to digest well and to be assimilated. Without this vital addition to their diet, cats can suffer other health issues.

This means, a balanced diet is vital. A balanced, fresh raw meat and bones diet will do a great deal more than prevent or get rid of bladder stones or struvite crystals. It can prevent, or heal, any urinary tract problem, any renal problem. It can prevent, or heal, any disease, be it physical or emotional. It can increase your cat’s well-being and energy.

However, not all cats convert well to this diet and it can take dedication on your part. As well as support from someone who has been there, done that. When you are new to different ideas and concepts, you are easily swayed backwards, so having someone holding your hand can be very reassuring. I'm here to help.

Our gorgeous furry companions are our best teachers. We can learn so much from them. When you learn how to prevent bladder stones in cats naturally, you open a pandora's box of goodies!

Your job is to feed your cat right. No one else can do that. A practitioner’s job is to pick up on those areas the right diet can’t completely heal. But be under no illusion – the right diet is ESSENTIAL to any health problem. In anyone. 


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