The Myth of Special Cat Diets

By Madeleine Innocent

Here, we explore the myth of special cat diets, why they are a waste of money and why they further contribute to your cat’s already badly compromised immune system and ailments.

It usually starts when your cat develops a problem and they're whisked off to the vet. Tests are run and a diagnosis is made. Often along with a prognosis. A special diet is recommended. It may be a low phosphorus diet. It may be a low protein diet.

Nothing changes, or there may be initial small changes that revert back quickly.

What went wrong?

In reality, the problem started many years earlier.

It started out when you started feeding your cat on day one. You fed your cat a commercial cat food. That’s the source of the problem.

Commercial Cat Food

Commercial cat food is the worst food you can feed your cat. The ingredients are cheap, poor quality, inappropriate for a cat, toxic, non-nutritious, often contaminated, out of balance, and more.

Whatever price you pay.

Commercial cat food makes wonderful commercial sense to those who make it and those who sell it. It makes dreadful sense for the end consumers – you and your cat.

Commercial cat food keeps your cat alive, but it doesn’t keep them healthy. That’s why they succumb to such serious chronic health issues.

There are multiple problems with commercial cat food, and they may all be of equal importance, but the issues under discussion here are the low protein and the low phosphorus, the so called special cat diets.

There are others, just as bad.

The Myth of Special Cat Diets

Cats are carnivores. They thrive on a HIGH protein diet. And a NATURAL, phosphorus diet. A high QUALITY protein diet. A high NATURAL phosphorus diet. Not the plant based and isolated proteins that abound in commercial cat food. Not the synthetic phosphorus that is made from chemicals in a lab. 

The problem of your cat’s health issues started because they were being fed low quality, inappropriate, out of balance, non-nutritious, plant based protein, one that it not even a whole food source.

myth of special cat diets

And synthetic phosphorus that is indigestible and harmful.

Your cat's health is not going to improve by feeding them an even LOWER protein diet.

That’s the first myth of special cat diets.

It can only improve by giving them a HIGH protein diet, one that is appropriate for them as carnivores. One that is highly nutritious and in perfect balance. A good quality, balanced, RAW meat and bones diet. The one they evolved on.

The second myth of special cat diets is that phosphorus can come from a chemical. After all, it's a mineral, isn't it?

Bones contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as other minerals and nutrients that are all required for perfect digestion and assimilation. Without this perfect natural balance, the nutrients are leached from your cats bones and teeth to digest the meat.

In addition, the synthetic phosphorus can be hazardous to health.

It means that cats THRIVE on a HIGH protein and a NATURAL phosphorus diet. The diet they have evolved on for millions of years, before man came along and tried to improve on it.

Why Have Vets Got it So Wrong?

Their only nutritional educators at vet school are from the pet food industry. Once in practise, they have regular visits from the same industry, keeping them up to date with all ‘the latest’ developments. In reality, these visits are to keep them in line.

It’s a hard pill to swallow for many people. You trusted your vet.

Consider why the (real) holistic vets advocate raw food diets as part of their protocol in healing their feline charges? It’s because they know they will never cure your cat’s ailments until the diet is addressed. 

And don't forget that holistic therapists who DO advocate raw meat and bones diets for cats lose out twice - most don't sell the food, and the cats become so healthy they no longer need vets.


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