Why Cats Are Fussy Eaters
Understanding why cats are fussy eaters isn’t rocket science. Like so much in life, when you discover the real reasons behind every problem, it becomes so obvious you wonder why you never figured it out yourself.
Understanding why cats are fussy eaters isn’t rocket science. Like so much in life, when you discover the real reasons behind every problem, it becomes so obvious you wonder why you never figured it out yourself.
Eliminating parasites in cats is very easily when you understand how health works and their role. By parasites, I'm referring to the fleas and worms that are so common and that are treated so harshly by vets.
Here, we explore the myth of special cat diets, why they are a waste of money and why they further contribute to your cat’s already badly compromised immune system and ailments.
Cats have natural, recuperative abilities that have served them well for millions of years. But in our fear based, over-medicated world, this is rarely allowed. Oddly, the neglected cats often fare better
Preventing constipation in cats can be very simple. In essence, it all comes down to their diet. But first, it's important to understand who cats are and
Constipation in cats is often misdiagnosed by vets and the public alike. You need to understand who cats are, where they are from as well as their anatomy and physiology. Cats are not the same as humans, even though their biology is similar.
Discovering how to rid your cat of allergies can be life changing, if not for you, then for your cat. Allergies are when the immune system is in an unnatural state and so reacts, overreacts, to normal substances.
Do cats purr when in pain? On the surface, this seems a very odd concept. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject:
Pulmonary oedema in cats, as in anyone, tends to indicate a heart problem. Heart problems used to be rare in cats, but as with all diseases, old, new and rare, they are all on the increase. The heart isn’t the only
The fact that autoimmune diseases in cats are on the rise is nothing new. It’s been going on for several decades. About as long as commercial pet food came into being, along with veterinarians getting into the ‘prevention’ side of their business.
Are cats at risk of the avian flu virus as is being reported by mainstream news? Many people are buying into this and making scary, yet unfounded claims.There are at least four major arguments
Are herbs for cats safe? Are herbs suitable for cats? Can cats be harmed by herbs? Can a herbal remedy, an herbal tincture or a herbal medicine help your cat?
Heart disease in cats used to be a rarity. However, it is now on the increase. When you consider what most domestic cats have been fed for generations, as well as their regular health care, it isn’t surprising. At l
Finding raw cat food in times of food shortages may make you search further afield than normal. The bare shelves in shops, the panic buying, the stock piling makes it all more difficult for reasonable people to make their normal purchases.
Renal failure in cats has become very common. It wasn’t always. But with the advent of the commercial cat foods a few short decades ago, and the aggressive push by the veterinary industry to overmedicate their patients, it has become an epidemic.
Appreciating what the healthiest cat food is and putting it into action, is the best way to make your life easier, less stressful and to make your cat’s life healthier and happier. Truly, there is nothing better in terms of overall health. Or in the financial aspects.
Understanding viruses in cats and so keeping them healthy, means turning your, and everyone else’s it seems, ideas upside down. That in itself can be challenging. People are resistant to change. However, change is necessary for growth, and if nothing else, I believe we are here to grow, to evolve.
Cats with high phosphorus levels are normally cats with a renal or kidney issue, although not always. The diagnosis comes from blood tests. Along with
With the clamour of the internet, it can be hard to sift out what is true and what is fabricated. By understanding cats, who they are, what they need, where they come from, you can easily detect the truth and the fabricated.
Self fasting in cats in not to be feared. Yet vets will tell you that cats can’t go without eating for more than a couple of days without sustaining liver damage. This is untrue.
Understanding why cats bite, or start to bite is the start to easily stopping the problem. Without any drastic or unkind measures.
Is fermented food for cats healthy? Is it something you should regularly feed your cat? Will it cause any harm?
Preventing kidney stones in cats is a much easier task than eliminating them. Kidney stones are not uncommon in cats and it can be the first sign that your cat is beginning to show signs of chronic kidney disease.
It’s amazing how much confusion there is about how often a healthy cat passes a stool. It’s also amazing how much confusion there is about the consistency of a healthy cat’s stool.
When you look at veterinary websites, they’ll tell you there is no known cause of hypercalcaemia in cats. However, looking at holistic health websites you get a very different story.
One of the most common causes of ill health in cats is their diet. Commercial cat food has a long list of problems as detailed below. It’s a million miles from a healthy wild cats diet.
What do you do when your cat won’t eat? What are the causes? What are the solutions, apart from the veterinary ones, which aren’t always helpful? How long can you wait? Should you force fed your cat? These are relevant concerns
You may be tempted to try treating your cat yourself. The reasoning often is because you may have little faith in veterinarians. This is becoming increasingly common, which is largely unsurprising when you consider
The process of disease in cats is much the same as in anyone, although one must take into consideration the cat’s anatomy and physiology as well as their natural way of life. In a nutshell, it’s about what ISN’T natural in their lives and what
There are at least three surefire ways to prevent cancer in cats. The three that are detailed here are the most important ones. And they are the most important ones for keeping your cat healthy, not just cancer free. Since cancer is one of the most destructive